2011 marks the 65th anniversary of innovation and technology management at Tektronix. Amir Aghdaei, President of Tektronix, will discuss how an engineer's job is being impacted by the technology trends driving our world today. He will also share his views on the importance of pro-active technology management and describe some of the practices used at Tektronix to address the expected acceleration of technology trends in the future.
Amir Aghdaei was appointed president of Tektronix in May 2009 and was promoted to Danaher Group Executive in May 2011. He joined Danaher, the parent company of Tektronix, in October 2008, and completed immersion learning about the company culture and the Danaher Business System. Mr. Aghdaei has more than 20 years of experience in the test and measurement industry. Prior to joining Danaher, he was with HP/Agilent and held a variety of positions in life science and test/measurement businesses. During his tenure with HP/Agilent, Mr. Aghdaei lived in Pennsylvania, Germany, Holland, Colorado, and Singapore. His last position at Agilent was as the general manager/vice president of the Measurement Systems Division.
Most recently, Mr. Aghdaei worked at Credence as the senior vice president of sales and marketing in California. He was accountable for developing Credence's short- and long-term strategy, refining/repositioning the company's product portfolio, and developing/executing its worldwide channel strategy.
Leonardo da Vinci is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and revered for his technological ingenuity. He conceptualized aircraft, the parachute, the battle tank, machine guns, clocks, the automobile, the submarine and a host of other inventions decades before they became realities. A project that investigated his work on the astronomical telescope, including a replica telescope built and tested according to his drawings and notes, will be presented. The tragedy of Leonardo lies in the fact that although he made many important discoveries in mechanical and civil engineering, astronomy, optics, hydrodynamics and anatomy, none of his work had a direct influence on later science and engineering. In conclusion, some lessons for technological innovation that can be learned from his life and work will be presented.
Professor André Buys is a nuclear engineer and held various senior management positions in the South African Nuclear and Armaments Industries. After 27 years in industry he joined the University of Pretoria as director of the Institute for Technological Innovation and is currently a professor at the Graduate School of Technology Management. He lectures on the management of technology and innovation, innovation strategy, strategic management and research methodology. He is also an ardent campaigner for nuclear non-proliferation.
Professor Buys is a keen amateur astronomer and has a private observatory at the Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve near Pretoria. His astronomy interests are astrophotography, astronomy education and the history of astronomy. He holds a Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Pretoria and is accredited as an established researcher by the South African National Research Foundation. He is a regular participant at the PICMET conference and has authored and co-authored 14 papers at PICMET conferences since 2005.
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Kris Singh the Director of Strategic Programs at the IBM Almaden Research Center in Silicon Valley, CA where he leads a global organization, Service Research & Innovation Institute, SRII as the President (www.thesrii.org).
Kris has over 25 years of experience in the high technology industry as well as in academia. Before IBM Research, he has worked with Intel, AMD and National Semiconductor in various technology development and Product management roles such as Director of Server Architecture & Planning and Data Center Technology at Intel, Director in the CTO Office at AMD and senior technical management roles at National Semiconductor.
Kris has also been an Industry Fellow in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley, CA and an adjunct professor in the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department at Santa Clara University, CA. He is also on the Advisory Board at major universities globally.
Kris has been an invited speaker at major IT conferences around the world.

The intersection of academic research and corporate entrepreneurship drives the discovery of new knowledge, globally; this is why we have chosen to specialize on this area in our professional executive search consulting practice at KULPER & COMPANY, LLC. The selection of the right leaders is vital to stimulating successful implementation of strategic imperatives for the higher education institution or company. Our efforts in this area have consistently yielded leaders with average tenure of five years or longer, accompanied by a record of promotion and significant added responsibilities; two very key metrics of success for our profession. My remarks will touch on how we are able to achieve specific outcomes in our area of specialization and will present supporting data to show how an efficient executive search process leads to the achievement of long-term developmental goals for the organization or institution as a whole.
Keith D. Kulper is president of KULPER & COMPANY, LLC, (www.kulpercompany.com), a retained executive search firm located in Morristown, New Jersey, which he founded in 1997. The firm focuses on serving the senior level hiring needs of universities with a commitment to entrepreneurship/innovation and corporations that work closely with universities to help them develop more effective and profitable product/service solutions. KULPER & COMPANY completes search assignments at the CEO, President and VP levels for companies; and President, Provost, Dean and VP levels for universities.
Prior to founding KULPER & COMPANY, Mr. Kulper had a long career with Midlantic National Bank where he rose to the level of Group Manager, Vice President in the Corporate Banking Division. In that capacity he held sales, marketing, product management and client relationship development responsibilities. At the outset of his career, Mr. Kulper was a member of the Financial Systems Division of Chemical Bank in New York City. He is a “cum laude” graduate of Boston College. In 1993, he completed his studies at The Stonier Graduate School of Banking: University of Delaware.
Mr. Kulper is a member of the Harvard College Parents Leadership Committee and the Dean’s Advisory Board of Cotsakos College of Business at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey. He is also a founding member of the Liberty Science Center finance committee and a co-founder of the Technology Management Education Association.

The current battery technology faces continuing issues including energy density and weight. Current EV batteries can provide limited power capacity that constrains long-distance driving. In addition, battery performance is highly impacted by traffic jams, driving behavior, and A/C usages, especially in the cases of cold and hot weather.
This presentation will introduce the Smart Battery Health Management Systems, which not only predict the remaining battery capacity, but also monitor the battery status in real time. Through smart learning and analysis of the driving behavior pattern, the remaining useful life and the necessary service can be precisely estimated with the optimized driving and route plan for the battery charging and exchange services. In addition, smart battery and analytics provide the optimized routes with navigation by using the features extracted from real-time driving behavior and conditions and can also estimate the energy consumptions for different routes, slope, brakes, and traffic jams, which can greatly improve the precision of the mobility battery analysis. Finally, mobility service innovation using dominant innovation will be introduced.
Dr. Jay Lee is Ohio Eminent Scholar and L.W. Scott Alter Chair Professor at the University of Cincinnati and is founding director of National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS, www.imscenter.net), a multi-campus NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center which consists of the University of Cincinnati (lead institution), the University of Michigan, and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Since its inception in 2001, the Center has been supported by over 70 global companies including P&G, GE Aviation, Eaton, National Instruments, Boeing, Caterpillar, Siemens, Chevron, Honeywell, Parker Hannifin, Spirit AeroSystems, Ingersoll Rand, Goodyear, Army Research Lab, Forcam (Germany), Alstom (France), ITRI (Taiwan), Omron (Japan), Nissan (Japan), Delta Electronics (Taiwan), HIWIN (Taiwan), PMC (Taiwan), III (Taiwan), Shaanxi Auto Group (China), Tekniker (Spain), FMTC (Belgium), and Kistler (Switzerland). His current research focuses on dominant innovation tools for product and service design as well as intelligent prognostics tools and smart predictive analytics for equipment reliability assessment and smart product lifecycle management.
Dr. Lee serves as honorary professor and visiting professor for a number of institutions, including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, City University of Hong Kong, Cranfield University in the UK, Lulea University of Technology in Sweden, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Xian Jiao Tong University and Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in China. He also serves as advisor to a number of global organizations, including the Manufacturing Executive Leadership Board of U.S., IBM MAXIMO Executive Advisory Council, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan, Academy of Machinery Science & Technology in China, and the Scientific Advisory Board of Flanders' MECHATRONICS Technology Centre (FMTC) in Leuven, Belgium. In addition, he serves as editor and associate editor for a number of journals including IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, the International Journal on Prognostics and Health Management, and the International Journal on Service Operations and Informatics.
Previously, he served as Director for Product Development and Manufacturing at United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), East Hartford, Connecticut, USA; as well as program director for a number of programs at NSF during 1991-1998, including the Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) Program; the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRCs) Program; and the Division of Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation. He also served as an advisory member for a number of institutions including Johns Hopkins University and Cambridge University.
He is a frequently invited speaker and has delivered over 150 invited keynote and plenary speeches at major international conferences. He is a Fellow of ASME, SME, as well as a Founding Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM).

New technologies often find a hostile environment when they are introduced into a world dominated by old technology standards. This keynote will explore techniques that require systemic change before real customer benefits are realized. Efficient energy use will be explored in this context.
Wilfred Pinfold is Director, Extreme Scale Programs, University and Government Programs at Intel Corporation. He is responsible for developing long-range research programs in areas relating to extreme parallelism, resilience, and energy-efficiency. He leads Intel Labs government research relationships and academic programs. He has 25 years of experience in high performance computing, including leadership roles in Intel's Supercomputing Systems Division, server products, communications products and analytic solutions.
He received his Ph.D. in Computational Fluid Dynamics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, RINA, and SNAME as well as being both C.Eng in Britain and P.E. in Virginia. In 1999, he attended the Stanford Executive Program.

Since about 40 percent of the energy consumption in the U.S. is crude oil, and the U.S. is by far the largest consumer of oil, any crises in the Middle East and North Africa are unsettling. The history of the last 40 years shows that high oil prices and/or instability in the Middle East have led to U.S. economic crises. Moreover, the U.S. has the highest number of nuclear reactors producing electricity, accounting for roughly 10 percent of the energy consumption in the U.S. Yet the Fukushima reactor disaster in Japan has cast a pall over the nuclear power industry and questioned the future role of this “clean” energy source.
So what are the implications for our economy and for other energy sources such as solar and natural gas in shale formations? And what are the implications for technology management, given that “technology” failed us in both the Gulf of Mexico oil platform and the Fukushima disasters?
We will explore the role of various energy alternatives in the U.S. and the critical role that technology will play in 1) ensuring our economic stability; 2) exploiting other energy sources; and 3) addressing the issue of global warming.
David M. Steele joined San Jose State University (SJSU) as Dean, College of Business and Lucas Graduate School of Business, in July, 2008. He is building on the College’s strengths by enhancing academic quality and student success; and by emphasizing practical business knowledge and global business education, including the new Thompson Global Internship Program.
Previously, he was Dean of the Silberman College of Business at Fairleigh Dickinson University, which includes the prestigious Rothman Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies; and Professor and Dean of the College of Business at Florida Institute of Technology.
Dr. Steele rose through the ranks of Chevron Corporation (ranked Fortune # 3 today) to become President of Chevron Latin America. He had a broadly diversified career track in R&D, project engineering, finance, strategic planning, and IT before moving to senior executive management positions. After leaving Chevron, Dr. Steele was an Executive Consultant to the founders of four international early-stage ventures, serving as Interim CEO of one of these ventures, a software startup.
Dr. Steele attended Birmingham University in England, receiving BS and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering. He later completed graduate business training at UC Berkeley and at the Wharton School.

The Northwest has used energy conservation programs and technologies over the last 30 years to meet growing energy demand with the lowest-cost, least-risk resource available while moderating the impacts of energy development on the region’s rivers.
Nearly 40 years ago, the Northwest was putting the finishing touches on the last of its major hydropower dams, completing the transformation of wild rivers into a power system. This system of dammed rivers spread inexpensive electric energy to the entire region, connected inland areas to the ocean and protected urban centers from devastating floods. But the species that inhabited the wild rivers paid a heavy toll. Today, river flows and fish and wildlife habitats are being restored. Energy conservation has not driven this restoration, but it has helped make it possible. Instead of narrowing energy options as the dams’ firm generating capacity was reduced, energy conservation has helped meet the region’s growing energy demand. After 40 years, the rivers work better for native species and their energy supplies do more work for people.
Energy conservation strategies and techniques deliver ongoing benefits without building new, more costly generation sources. In Oregon, Energy Trust of Oregon is a nonprofit organization that provides energy conservation programs for four investor-owned utilities, and works with other organizations, utilities and governments throughout the region to bring technologies and energy solutions to consumers. Energy Trust’s programs and lessons learned provide valuable guidance for developing or enhancing energy conservation programs elsewhere in the nation and worldwide.
Margie Harris is Executive Director of Energy Trust of Oregon, Inc. Ms. Harris began work in November 2001 as the first permanent staff member hired by Energy Trust of Oregon. Margie serves as vice chair and executive committee member of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; executive committee member of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Task Force; member of the Oregon Green Jobs Council appointed by Governor Kulongoski; and board and executive committee member of Clean Energy Works Oregon. Margie was awarded the Portland Business Journal Women of Influence: Woman Executive of the Year (nonprofit) Award in 2011.
Ms. Harris helped craft Oregon’s first energy conservation legislation and programs while working at the Oregon Department of Energy in the 1970s. Subsequently, she was the marketing and outreach director promoting renewable energy at one of four regional solar energy centers established by then-President Carter.
As assistant to former Portland Commissioner Mike Lindberg, Margie was instrumental in establishing the City of Portland’s first energy policies and programs, including the formation of Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. Prior to joining Energy Trust, Margie was a management consultant with Arthur Young & Company, finance and administration director for Portland Parks and Recreation, and executive director of marketing and customer service at TriMet.
A graduate of the University of Michigan with a B.S. in Natural Resources, Margie spends her limited recreational time singing in a local band, gardening, cooking and kayaking in pursuit of whales. She is the proud mother of twin daughters who share her commitment to preserving the natural world.

Phil Keisling, an ex journalist and Oregon's former Secretary of State, readily admits he is no smart grid expert. But in the fall of 2009, he was a co-founder of Smart Grid Oregon, one of the nation's first state trade associations focused on promoting smart grid-related businesses and innovations. In his presentation, he will describe the critical importance of linking policy, technology, and economic considerations together as states forge innovative new approaches to energy policy and practice.
Phil Keisling currently serves as the Director of the Center of Public Service at Portland State University, which is located within the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government. The Center’s mission is to connect the faculty, students, and other resources of the Hatfield School with the real-world needs and challenges of public and non-profit sector leaders and managers in local, state, federal, tribal, and international settings.
Mr. Keisling’s public service career includes work as a campaign aide to former Governor Tom McCall (1978); six years as a journalist for Portland’s Willamette Week (1978-81) and The Washington Monthly Magazine in Washington, D.C. (1982-84); and as a legislative staff assistant to then-Oregon House Speaker Vera Katz (1985-88). He served one term in the Oregon House of Representatives (1989-91) and nearly a decade as Oregon Secretary of State (1991-99). From 2000 to 2009 he was an Executive Vice President with CorSource Technology group, a Beaverton, Oregon-based software services company.
In 2009, Mr. Keisling was a co-founder of Smart Grid Oregon, an Oregon-based trade association focused on promoting Smart Grid businesses and policies.
Mr. Keisling received a B.A. in American Studies from Yale University in 1977.

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Dr. James (“Jim”) C. Spohrer is IBM Innovation Champion and Director of IBM University Programs World Wide (IBM UP). He works to align IBM and universities in regional innovation ecosystems globally. Previously, he helped found IBM’s first service research group, the global Service Science Community, and was founding CTO of IBM’s Venture Capital Relations Group in Silicon Valley. During the 1990s while at Apple Computer, he was awarded Apple’s Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technology title for his work on next-generation learning platforms. Dr. Spohrer has a PhD in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence from Yale University, and a BS in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His current research priorities include applying service science to create smarter (less waste and more capabilities) universities and cities, also known as tightly coupled holistic service systems that provide “whole service” to the people within them. He has more than 90 publications, he has been awarded six patents, and he is a Fellow of the Service Research and Innovation Institute (SRII).

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